BMS Testing Solution

dSPACE solutions for testing battery management systems

Whether you are working on battery systems for mobile or stationary applications, we offer powerful solutions for testing the battery management systems required for state-of-the-art batteries, both on the signal level and on the high-voltage level.

With their outstanding performance and precision, our BMS test systems can be used for various applications in different industries and can support you in validating the functionality of cutting-edge battery management systems, while enabling you to be well-prepared for future challenges. With an overall system voltage of up to 1,500 V, our modular and finely-scalable test solution can be tailored to any kind of battery system.

Modular and scalable system architecture fits any use case

Best-in-class battery cell emulation with outstanding precision

Ready-to-use, real-time-capable battery model

dSPACE Solutions for BMS Testing on the Signal Level

Testing a BMS on the signal level means testing its main functions and its interaction with the vehicle network without using high voltages. For this purpose, the battery cells and the cell supervision circuits (CSCs) are simulated.

For the simulation of CSCs and additional components, such as current sensors, you can use our SCALEXIO real-time hardware. Especially for the communication between the simulated CSCs and the device under test (DUT), our test systems support a wide range of communication interfaces, including CAN, SPI, isoSPI, UART, and I²C.

dSPACE Solutions for BMS Testing on
the High-Voltage Level

Testing a BMS on the high-voltage level means testing the complete BMS, including one or all CSC modules. This kind of testing is essential for release and acceptance tests, and highly relevant for the automotive-specific functional safety standard ISO 26262.

For testing battery management systems on the high-voltage level, we provide powerful test systems that emulate all inputs of the BMS. This includes all battery cell voltages, temperature sensors, and the battery current as well as all signals coming from the various high-voltage sensors in the vehicle, e.g., the sensors at the inverter, the battery, or the charging point.

Key Benefits

  • Seamless integration of signal and voltage level testing
  • Overall system voltage of up to 1,500 V
  • High accuracy thanks to our high-precision battery cell voltage emulation boards
  • Current sensor stimulation with real currents of several hundred amperes
  • Integrated electrical failure simulation of open wires and short circuits, including isolation failures
  • Sophisticated safety concept with a central safety controller to supervise the entire test system
  • Compact and modular test system design, including a large safety compartment for the DUT
  • Short wiring harness from the test system to the DUT
Typical BMS test systems from dSPACE: scalable from small to large systems and equipped with different components depending on the application, our systems are tailored to your individual needs.

Principle System Setup

The core of our BMS testing solution is the SCALEXIO Battery HIL. The SCALEXIO Battery HIL comes as a predefined or customizable system based on one or more 19'' racks, including a SCALEXIO real-time system, standard I/O and bus hardware, as well as a scalable number of:

  • Cell emulation boards for high-precision battery voltage emulation
  • Temperature sensor emulation channels
  • High-voltage sensor simulations

To ensure safe operation, the SCALEXIO Battery HIL has an integrated safety compartment to store the system under test and to protect the test engineers and the equipment against high voltages. Thanks to their modular design, our test systems are highly scalable and can be easily adapted to individual project requirements.

Modeling the Battery

On the software side, our ASM Electric Components model library offers open, ready-to-use, and real-time-capable multicell battery models which can be used to simulate various battery topologies.

Our BMS testing solution includes all necessary hardware and software. The simulator hardware, the SCALEXIO Battery HIL, comes with a large safety compartment for the device under test (e.g., BMS and CSCs). On the software side, the solution includes a ready-to-use, real-time-capable battery model and a predefined and convenient user interface for configuration, instrumentation, and calibration.

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Basic Information

Developing and testing battery management systems for electric vehicles

Press Releases

dSPACE is launching a modular system concept for testing battery management systems. The new solution will let users test modern battery systems with overall voltages of up to 1,500 V.

More Information about BMS Testing Solution